IWAEE 2021

Eleventh International Workshop on


Applied Economics of Education


Catanzaro, Italy 21st-22nd June 2021

The conference is organised by the Department of Law, Economics and Sociology, Magna Graecia University in collaboration with the Department of Economics, Lancaster University and the Department of Economics, NTNU.

The eleventh IWAEE will be held online from Monday 21st to Tuesday 22nd June 2021.

Keynote lectures will be live on YouTube:

Ludger Woessmann (University of Munich and ifo)

stream Monday 21st at 9:00 am

Hessel Oosterbeek (University of Amsterdam)

stream Tuesday 22nd 15:15 

Our intention was to hold the conference face-to-face, however given the continuing challenges of COVID-19 we are forced to organise an online conference.

We have substantially reduced the registration fees to cover only administrative costs.

Registration fees are EURO 50.

For further details: contact@iwaee.org


Giuseppe Migali:  gmigali@iwaee.org


Colin Green (NTNU), Giuseppe Migali (Università  Magna Graecia and Lancaster University), Michele Trimarchi (Università Magna Graecia)

Other partners: NTNU Department of Economics


Download Programme 2021 

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